5.20 Team building event
Date: 2020-05-25
Clicks: 2056
All of us here at Sinoamigo love to celebrate special occasions! We’ll take every possible opportunity to do something fun and team oriented.
Think of May 20 as young netizens’ Valentine’s Day. ‘5.20’ originated from the internet, as many things do. And like many other internet terms, this one is based on pronunciation. The Chinese pronunciation for “five two zero” (wu er ling) sounds like ‘I love you’ (wo ai ni).
This year, on ‘5.20’ day, we arranged a team-building event at Phoenix mountain in Wenzhou for our International and Domestic sales team, to inspire our employees to look at it as more than just a day of love, but a day of kindness and joy.
It was also a great way to build a solid framework that enabled our team to work together as we emerge from the current crisis, and an excellent opportunity to boost creativity and agility when it comes to business.
Here are a few glimpses from the event which promoted our company’s culture and spirit.