


Smart wall switches: An intelligent way to build a home automation system

Date: 2021-06-12        Clicks: 2305

In a hurry to finish off household chores in the morning and rush to work, more often than not we tend to forget to switch off lights or fan or even closing the window curtains. The realization strikes us when we are back home later in the evening. Precious energy and money too, is wasted.

Discover a sense of convenience, security, luxury, and sophistication into your home with our range of SHC series smart wall switches.  

Connected over your home Wi-Fi network, our easy-to-install smart switches let you remotely control, monitor and schedule any lights, fans and curtains via your smartphone or a voice assistant like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant or other smart hubs for greater comfort, peace of mind and energy efficiency.

Learn more about our home automation products.